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FAT TYPES: Did you know that fat comes in different sizes and COLORS

Megan Johnson McCullough - NASM Master Trainer, Doctoral candidate, group fitness instructor, professional natural bodybuilder, owner of Every BODY's Fit in Oceanside CA

Fat is an organ of our body we try to exercise away, stare at in the mirror, poke at in disgust, and feel embarrassed by. Although we only see it as the dimples on the thighs on the bulge on the belly, fat actually serves a purpose in our bodies. Fat stores calories we can use for energy and our body draws from this source when we are hungry. It also works with our hormones to control metabolism. Too much fat adds stress to the body and puts added pressure on the joints. There 4 types of fat in our body.

Brown Fat

This is the type of fat that lean people (persons with lower BMI's) tend to have more of, especially those that are active. It actually helps to burn calories. The iron this fat contains gives it the brown color. Children tend to have more brown fat than adults. Its primary purpose is to help keep us warm. When our body temperature is low, brown fat becomes activated. As we age, we store less of this type. Scientists would love to find out how we can stimulate brown fat or help convert other types to this color, which could ultimately help with weight management. Research is being performed to find out if brown fat can actually be injected. This is because brown fat helps to burn white fat. It almost acts like muscle. Even if a person had at the very least 2 or 3 ounces more of this fat in their body composition, they could burn up to 300 to 500 more calories per day. It is found in odd locations on our bodies and differs among people. Because it is hard to find, it is hard to study. It can even be found in the neck and shoulders. Studies of mice indicate the ability of brown fat to burn more calories when they are overfed, which protects them from obesity.

White Fat

We have much more of this type in our body. Its role is energy storage and hormone production. This type of lipid does have a white color. This is the cushioning fat that stores triglycerides.

Subcutaneous Fat

This is the fat just under the skin. This the type you can pinch. We can see it.

Visceral Fat

This is that belly fat stored inside the body that fills the spaces between our organs. It puts a person at higher risk for heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. This fat can be insulin resistant, making diabetes a threat. Having higher amounts has also been linked to dementia.

Women are more prone to gaining extra fat. Both genders need to work to prevent excess accumulation of fat for their health. This includes at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week and 2 days of resistance training. Strength training boosts metabolism and the more muscle a person has, the more energy the body burns (fat). Just because you don't see fat at first, doesn't mean it isn't lurking in the organs. It is much easier to gain fat than to lose it, so make the scorecard in your favor by making the appropriate behavior changes.

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